Materiali compositi rinforzati con tessuti: disponibili gli atti della conferenza internazionale TexComp-13

The 13th International Conference on Textile Composites (TEXCOMP-13) was organized by ‘Politenico di Milano’, under the auspicious of several well-known leading societies and organizations in the expanding world of composite materials.
TEXCOMP-13 continued the fine scientific tradition of previous TexComp conferences fostering the fundamental understandings as well as application oriented developments of textile composites for several industrial contexts.
The tradition of TexComp in hosting world-leader experts of textile composites continued in Milan with an intensive program of presentations including distinguished plenary and invited speakers, scientists, engineers and designers, both of Academia and Industry from all over the world. We were particularly pleased to have contributions from some pioneers in the textile composites community, together with several young researchers. Almost one third of the presentations by young researchers demonstrated the attitude of TEXCOMP-13 in recognizing the importance of the young generation for the advancement of the research and the development of textile composites.
These proceedings offer a snapshot of the strong research presented in plenary, invited and regular presentations at TEXCOMP-13. The conference covered a broad range of topics related to the textile composites: from the textile reinforcements to the manufacturing processes, from the mechanical properties of the materials to the structural performance modelling; from the nano- to the macro-scale studies.
The conference contained special sessions, organized by leading researchers, devoted to important topics in the areas of: virtual modelling, forming of reinforcements, effect of voids on the mechanical behavior, and fatigue performance.
TEXCOMP-13 was also the proper stage to present the recent developments of the very active research in the field of natural textile composites and nano-engineered composites.
View all abstracts link below:

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