KAST GROUP -Technical Textiles and Special Fibre Products about their aspiration for tradition, values and growth.

Our aspiration:
“To cherish tradition, live up to values and to grow together with our customers and business partners in order to develop continuously.”

We produce and develop technical textiles made of Glass, AR-Glass, Carbon, Aramid, Basalt, Jute, Cotton and Viscose among other fibers for a variety of applications. The production of composites, special textile finishing, coating (e.g. rubber coating), imprinting, dyeing and manufacturing is always in compliance to specific customer requirements.

We are thriving medium-sized, second generation of family business led by Christoph Kast, a graduate in business studies and son of the company’s founder Dr. Günther Kast. KAST is one of the foremost manufacturers of technical textiles and industry leader for bookbinding materials based in Sonthofen, the southernmost city in Germany. The company’s success reflects in the supply and export of a wide range of products into almost eighty countries worldwide for nearly six decades.

Individual business solutions combined with decades of know-how are just a couple of our key strengths. We are able to manufacture products for a wide variety of industrial areas and applications that fit all of your technical textile needs.

Competent, flexible, reliable

The people at KAST place great emphasis on service, DIFOT performance, quality stability and expert advice. All of this is possible thanks to the close cooperation with our machinery manufacturers, suppliers and of course our customers.


Our business and application areas are mainly:

  • Structural reinforcement
  • Earthquake protection systems
  • Concreed/Screed and Mortar reinforcement
  • ETICS/Mortar reinforcement
  • Drywall/Painters/Construction Primers
  • Geotextiles
  • Composites
  • Individual Industrial Application
  • Textile Architecture.


For further detailed information of our products
please have a look on our website:

Dr. Günther Kast GmbH & Co. | Technical Textiles



For a personal contact use the contact form of our website or:

Dr. Günther Kast GmbH & Co. Technische Gewebe Spezialfasererzeugnisse

Abt-Reubi-Straße 6
87527 Sonthofen/Germany

Mail: techtex@kast.de
Telefon: +49 8321 6641-74
Fax: +49 8321 / 6641 – 66


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