BCN3D completes the Epsilon workbench series

From our first Call for Papers

Eric Pallarés, CTO – BCN3D


This project has been awarded by Compositi’s editorial staff and technical-scientifical Commitee!


By launching the Smart Cabinet to store 3D printing filaments at perfect humidity levels

The Barcelona-based manufacturer continues to innovate and expand its range of 3D printing solutions for the industrial workbench, to help businesses across the globe to innovate. As a result, any customer implementing the use of technical materials will benefit from this new product. It should be noted that with the filament PA, for example, some mechanical properties improve by 20% with the use of the Smart Cabinet.

BCN3D, a Spanish leading 3D printing solutions manufacturer, announced the launch of the new Smart Cabinet to complete the Epsilon ecosystem, which boosts the entire printing process with BCN3D workbench 3D printers Epsilon W27 and Epsilon W50.

The BCN3D Smart Cabinet relies on smart drying technology to ensure that filaments are consistently kept at optimal humidity levels, guaranteeing the best results in every print job and protecting against print failure and nozzle clogging. BCN3D aims to provide a reliable 3D Printing solution, no matter the external factors like power stability or ambient humidity. The Smart Cabinet provides such a solution with seamless integration with current BCN3D products, becoming the very first of its class.

With the new product introductions, in addition to recent investment in the business, BCN3D unlocks a new era in its growth and demonstrates its commitment to providing an innovative and expansive product portfolio, cementing its position as a major player in 3D printing.

Its filament humidity control keeps materials in optimal condition, and an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) protects the print job at all times, eliminating the risk of losing a print job due to power outages. The BCN3D Smart Cabinet works on the absorption dryer method, alternating between drying cycles and regeneration cycles to maintain a constant dry environment around the stored spools and protect them from sudden external changes.



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