CAMX Award: innovation in composites and advanced materials market

The flagship CAMX Award recognizes innovations that have the potential to significantly impact composites and advanced materials in the marketplace. The CAMX Award will be awarded to two game changing entries that reflect the depth and breadth of the CAMX theme: Combined Strength. Unsurpassed Innovation.

The coveted CAMX Award is awarded to two top entries that exemplify the CAMX Theme of Combined Strength. Unsurpassed Innovation. The award allows organizations and individuals to showcase groundbreaking achievements that have the potential to truly change the composites and advanced materials industry through their innovation and application. Deadline to submit the innovations for consideration is July 8, 2020.

To enter the award, companies have to present a composites product that clearly demonstrates a team approach to problem solving, utilizing shared knowledge, resources, and talent to create an outstanding example of the best use of composites materials.


First area: Combined Strength.

If a company wants to submit its product to the area “Combined Strength”, its innovation should has the potential to:

  • Increase manufacturing efficiencies
  • Significantly impact new and emerging markets
  • Shift industry expectations
  • Improve sustainability and recyclability
  • Demonstrate the power of collaboration
  • Shape the future of composites and advanced materials.

Entries will be evaluated in five areas:

  • Concept and design
  • Collaboration
  • Production and delivery
  • Value
  • Impact.
Second area: Unsurpassed Innovation.

In this area there will be admitted only the projects with the aim of developing an innovative composites product that distinctly illustrates a novel design incorporating low-cost materials for high-volume applications, or high-performance applications using low-volume materials, that has the potential to significantly impact existing markets or open new markets.

See details and criteria here.

Source: CAMX

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