Castable Wax 40 Resin: the game-changing material for 3D printed jewels

From March Issue of Compositi Magazine

Formlabs, a leading 3D printing company, announced at CES2021 its 30th proprietary resin: Castable Wax 40 Resin, a game-changing jewellery material.

Castable Wax 40 Resin

Castable Wax 40 Resin is highly loaded with a blend of solid and liquid waxes that work together to achieve low expansion and exceptional casting performance. It was engineered for jewellers who value casting reliability above all and has been stress tested in the lab and on the casting floor to provide clean castings under a wide range of conditions.

Jewellery investment molds haven’t changed much for hundreds of years, but the patterns jewellers put in them have. Jewellery investments were made for wax, so it’s no surprise many jewellers find that their mold can’t stand up to a relatively taxing resin burnout.


Resin casting has its unique challenges, which are:
  • investment compatibility concerns
  • metal loss from aggressive finishing
  • unpredictable casting quality 

Many jewellers find themselves asking: resin casting is known for exceptional detail, but what good is detail if it doesn’t cast? Formlabs tailored Castable Wax 40 Resin to play well with fragile investment molds.



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