Madrid, the great showcase for the future of industrial transformation, last week at Ifema, with Composites Madrid, colocated with MetalMadrid and Robomática Madrid

The show, which took place on the 19th and 20th, gave special prominence to the dissemination of knowledge and training, with two theoretical and practical workshops, and the Tech Congress 4.0, which addressed topical issues such as Industry 4.0, energy, sustainable mobility in automotive and aeronautics, robotics, composites and additive manufacturing. Javier Sirvent, considered the “digital evangelist”, was the keynote speaker.


A new edition of MetalMadrid, Composites and Robomática Madrid, the leading event in industrial innovation, robotics and automation, and the only one in Spain on composite materials and their applications, kicked off last Wednesday 19th. The fairs brought together 613 exhibitors and more than 3,300 solutions over two days in halls 4, 6 and 8 of Ifema to present the most revolutionary advances in:

  • metallurgy
  • additive manufacturing
  • robotics
  • advanced materials and composites
  • connected industry
  • quality and testing
  • surface treatment.


Knowledge and training activities

The dissemination of knowledge and training activities played a key role in this edition.  Thus, the Tech Congress 4.0 included an extensive program of conferences, panel discussions and specialized forums, divided into three halls, with content on Composites and Advanced Materials, thanks to the 3rd Composites conference organized by AEMAC, the Spanish Composites Association.

There were also contents focused on:

  • Industry 4.0
  • energy and sustainability
  • paint automation
  • composite materials
  • the CEFAM project, a strategic program for the Training of Excellence in Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Materials, among others.

With more than 100 experts, the keynote speaker was Javier Sirvent, considered the “digital evangelist” and one of the most privileged brains in the world of exponential technologies in Spain. And with speakers from renowned companies such as Talgo, Airbus, Foro de Energía, IVECO, Repsol, Navantia, Siemens Industries, and Acciona, among many others.


Lives! Demo Machinery

Visitors were able to enjoy more than 50 live demonstrations of high-tech machinery, with the Lives! Demo Machinery, to see how laser welding, cobots and robotic arms, testing equipment, press brakes, lathes, bending machines, milling machines, cutting machines (plasma cutting), laser engravers, lifting platforms, 3D printers and 3D cameras, augmented reality glasses, and much more.

The show offered four guided Innovation Tours, which covered the latest in digitization, automation and robotics, composite materials, metal treatment and processing, and advanced engineering.

In terms of spaces, the event represented the entire industrial value chain. These include the Innovation area, which brings together the most surprising projects from the three shows. Participants include Advance Manufacturing Technologies, which showcased its latest solutions in on-demand manufacturing, and AIMPLAS (Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico), which showed the advances in its Sparta project, aimed at recycling composite materials for aerospace use.

The Innovation Planet hosted the projects nominated for the Advanced Manufacturing Awards that were not included in the exhibition area, with 37 projects nominated. The winners of the inaugural Advanced Manufacturing Awards were revealed at the awards ceremony.  And the Composites Planet showcased the best proposals made with composite materials. 


Oscar Barranco, managing director of EasyFairs Spain and Portugal, said

We are very excited and ready to welcome the thousands of professionals who have confirmed their attendance, and to reveal the keys to the future of industrial transformation.  This edition will leave no one indifferent.” 


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