Report dell’andamento dei prezzi di compositi e GRP

Composites/GRP October 2014: Ortho resins and GRP roll over / Demand recedes slightly / SM tightness puts upward pressure on resins / No movement in GRP before year’s end
Prices for medium reactive ortho resins remained largely unchanged in October. Demand receded slightly but remained at a normal level. With prices moving sideways, the PIE polymer price index “Plastixx Composites” was stuck at 1194.07 points.

Over the next few months, the composites market is likely to see increased activity. Most players have told PIE they believe the current tightness of SM, which has caused spot notations to soar, will eventually lead to higher resins prices. For chopped strand mats and direct roving, price hikes could be on the horizon for December, when details of the planned EU dumping duties on Chinese imports are to be revealed.

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Fonte: Plastics Information News

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