The era of personalization and customization: the experience of FKgroup in a changing fashion industry

Exponential, one-of-a kind-solutions

FKgroup offers to its clients the highest level of both software and hardware technology.

The company’s two types of vision Software work with direct interaction with the fabric, utilizing a technology that makes it able to see the product.

One application uses artificial intelligence (AI) – which is able to decide and operate on its own. That is mainly employed with striped and squared fabrics. For hand-painted panels – which needed more control to reach alignment – the vision software employs augmented reality (AR). The result does not change as both technologies generate a perfect placement of the textiles.

For the cutting, FKgroup counts up to 14 different models of cutting machines. Those machines are either single-ply for the tailor-made production or multi-layered for mass-production. The latter model is capable to cut overlapping fabrics, involving a needle machine that has previously aligned them.

Combining the different vision software application with the types of machines results in the ability for the group to generate a plethora of original solutions that can be further mixed up among themselves.

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, FKgroup offers services which not only ensures the quality of the final products.

Turning to the company, each client knows he can get exactly what he wants with the certainty that he gets something unique.



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