The SMC BMC Design Award 2022 is open!

European Alliance for SMC/BMC, the industry association of European companies and institutions involved in the field and product chain of SMC (Sheet Molding Compound) and BMC (Bulk Molding Compound), has opened the registration for the third edition of the international competition for design students and young designers: SMC BMC Design Award 2022.

The theme of this edition is the design for Sustainable Living, able to improve quality of life and at the same to reduce the environmental impact. For this purpose, SMC and BMC composite materials are used and required.

“We would like to reinforce that SMC and BMC materials are innovative, cost effective and sustainable, bringing major benefits for consumers and end-users. The Alliance will support the winners in fine-tuning designs, improving part manufacturing-ability and business plans, and want to help them to bring their innovations to market.”

Comments Joan Montobbio, Chairman of the Alliance Board.

Award details and registration

The SMC BMC Design Award 2022 is open for Design students and Young Design Professionals (less than 3 years of experience) living in Europe. Innovations entered into the SMC BMC Design Award will be judged by an independent Jury. The Jury is composed by expert members from both the Design community and the Composites industry.

Pre-registration closes on July 1st, 2021. Projects must be submitted by 15 December of this year.

Click here to pre-register via the online form and to find out more.


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Source: Polimerica

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