ZCC Zünd Cut Center ushers in a new era in digital cutting automation


The new Zünd Cut Center is the answer to a growing need for flexibility,scalability, and user-friendliness. ZCC V.4 supports operators with countless smart, intuitive digtal-cutting functions throughout the production workflow. This makes Zünd Cut Center ideal for novices as a fast and easy introduction to digital cutting, while also offering experienced users significant upgrades in file-preparation and production automation. As such, ZCC ensures top-quality cutting results in every situation, regardless of the experience level of the operator or the degree of automation in prepress.

With its client-server architecture, Zünd Cut Center is easily scalable. The software’s modular design enables configurations tailored to specific production requirements. The user purchases only the software components they need – no more, no less. And more options can be added anytime.


ZCC Zünd Cut Center

Zünd offers ZCC in two different editions.

  • Zünd Cut Center Basic is ideal for users in production environments that don’t require functions such as automatic data import, job queues, or data exchange with other systems. With Zünd Cut Center Basic, the operator can manually convert source files into .zcc files using Cut Editor and open them as production files in Cut Center.
  • Zünd Cut Center Advanced is suitable for all users with high order volumes and a desire to increase their productivity through workflow automation. They may have multiple Zünd Cutters in operation at the same time and need to be able to exchange data with other systems integrated in their production workflow. In the Advanced edition, users have access to functions such as the job queue, information on the estimated production time, import via hot folders, and email notifications.

For both editions, options such as the Camera Option, Pick & Place Option, Visualizing Option, and Routing Option can be purchased individually.


Cut Editor

Cut Editor is used to import source files and prepare them for subsequent cutting. Cut Editor can be run directly from the workstation at the cutter. It can also be installed at other workstations in prepress and used for file preparation. If needed, the capabilities of the Cut Editor can be expanded with the Nesting Option. ut Editor is a software component that can be used in combination with both editions.


Cut Server

Cut Server provides automated data import via hot folders, data exchange with other systems such as the ERP and RIP, and an estimated production-time calculator.

Zünd Cut Server also handles the communication between Cut Editor and Cut Center. Other systems can connect to the Zünd Cut Server using the .zcc file format. This makes it possible to query the system for information such as materials, methods, or estimated production times. Numerous software manufacturers already offer standard integration with ZCC. This enables transferring prepared files in .zcc format.

ZCC is open to almost any import format. This exceptional connectivity offers users unparalleled flexibility and interoperability – a key advantage in view of the many different file formats users may receive from customers on a daily basis.


Easier than ever

The new Zünd Cut Center impresses with its highly intuitive user interface and easy touchscreen operation. There is a logical progression of user inputs through the setup process.

A cleanly designed user interface guides the operator through job preparation and cutter control. Automatic import can significantly reduce the number of manual entries required.


Cutting made even more efficient

Processing parameters stored in the material database for countless materials and predefined import settings ensure the highest degree of standardization. Standardized processes, in turn, ensure repeatability. The user benefits from economies of scale in terms of cost and productivity.

ZCC works magic in automation. It can sort jobs by material, processing method, or delivery date. Jobs involving printed materials are retrieved automatically via printed QR codes. Alternatively, for unprinted materials, the job sequence can be defined using batch processing.

Another boost in productivity results from the newly implemented capability to simultaneously process different jobs on the same Zünd cutting system.

Zünd has also upgraded data import into ZCC and has largely automated the handling of data. Assigning processing methods, cut-contour optimization, metadata, materials, etc., is done though hot folders, which ensures consistently high output quality. Achieving the same quality level every time for recurring jobs becomes a matter of course. And consistently high-quality means satisfied, repeat customers.


On the safe side with Software Maintenance

ZCC is offered as a perpetual license that includes Software Maintenance. Software Maintenance ensures not only welll-maintained, well-functioning software, it also offers customers all the new options and functions Zünd may release for ZCC.

This includes everything from small bug fixes to extensive software updates. New options can be added without first having to purchase the latest version of ZCC. Customers no longer have to worry about purchasing software upgrades in order to keep their Zünd Cut Center up-to-date.


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