Automotive interior applications

From our first Call for Papers

Regine Koudela, Sales & Marketing Manager Composites-Automotive – RENOLIT Gor S.p.A.

, 100% recyclable, glass fiber reinforced polypropylene-based composite material gains a leading position in the automotive interiors market with major OEM end customers. RENOLIT Gor S.p.A., with a leading position in the automotive extrusion and thermoforming market globally, has seen demand for its innovative RENOLIT TECNOGOR take off as the next generation, safe, clean, 100% recyclable glass fiber composite for automotive interior applications.

Tier 1 thermoformers have been able to combine superior part performance with:
  • consistent quality
  • higher productivity
  • lower costs of the production process

This has attracted the attention of many OEM automotive buyers. Leading German, Italian, French and Japanese carmakers are now using RENOLIT TECNOGOR for a variety of thermoformed, custom coated, interior 3D trim parts for vehicles. Applications parcel shelves, load floors, seat back covers, dashboard inserts and trunk trims.

It has proved itself to be versatile, high quality, superior performance, lightweight thermoplastic composite sheet and roll material solution, which enables automotive trim parts to be cost-effectively fabricated for a wide choice of interior finishes.

A key benefit for thermoformers using this PP/GF based substrate is that it can be shaped in a ‘glue free’ onestep- process. It is also a very safe material to use on the shop floor compared with a glass fiber reinforcement fabric. This is due to the glass fibers in RENOLIT TECNOGOR being completely embedded in the PP polymer matrix during extrusion.

As a result, there are no free-floating fibers in the air or exposed glass fibers in the molding, producing safe to handle finished trim parts with smooth surfaces and edges. To reduce cut-off trim, custom sized RENOLIT TECNOGOR blanks are typically provided, which are supplied as standard with a highly compatible film for thermally bonding textiles or other skin materials.




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