COMPOSITES EUROPE 2015 riflette la crescita del mercato dei materiali compositi

From aerospace to automobile manufacturing, building and wind-power economy all the way through to the construction sector: COMPOSITES EUROPE reflects the entire spectrum of the composites market. Some 450 exhibitors from 25 nations present new lightweight construction concepts, materials, and the latest production and automation solutions. A total of 11.000 lightweight construction experts representing automotive engineering, aviation and boatbuilding as well as the wind energy and construction sectors are expected at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre, a third of them from outside Germany. The international industry considers COMPOSITES EUROPE the most important event in the German market – the largest composites market in Europe.

Trade fair and forums to focus on high-volume manufacturing processes

Devising and optimising processes that enable high-volume manufacturing of composites components remains the biggest challenge for the industry. At COMPOSITES EUROPE, the industry will present suitable production and processing methods, innovative materials and current lightweight construction projects. Additionally, the trade fair highlights new ideas at the COMPOSITES Forum and in special areas, including the Product Demonstration Area.

The 1st International Composites Congress (ICC) will take place as the opening event of COMPOSITES EUROPE for the first time and therefore replaces the International AVK Conference. Focussing on “Composites – on the Path to becoming a Key Industry?”, international experts discuss current topics which can be further enhanced during the subsequent tour of the COMPOSITES EUROPE fair.

bio-based composites at COMPOSITES EUROPE 2015

Whether they’re turned into dashboards, car door panels or airline service trolleys – wood and natural fibres such as cotton, flax fibre, hemp, jute and kenaf are gaining steadily in importance as bio-based composites. Not least because of their environmental benefits. COMPOSITES EUROPE will also present renewable raw materials for composites. Working with the nova-Institut at the “bio-based composites” group stand for the second time, exhibitors will demonstrate just how great being sustainable can be when it comes to lightweight construction designs, materials and the most up-to-date production and automation solutions. Because the stand enjoyed such a successful debut, its next incarnation will be 50% larger. A total of 20 companies will be representing the biocomposites sector at the trade fair.

New: bio!CAR Conference

In addition to the “bio-based composites” group stand, COMPOSITES EUROPE will for the first time host bio!CAR, a new conference for the automotive industry with a focus on bio-based materials in car manufacturing. The international gathering will debut at COMPOSITES EUROPE 2015 at the Exhibition Centre Stuttgart on 24 and 25 September. Organising the meeting will be bioplasticsMAGAZINE in cooperation with trade fair organiser Reed Exhibitions, the nova-Institut and the German Federation for Reinforced Plastics AVK.

For details, please visit



COMPOSITES EUROPE is organised by trade fair organiser Reed Exhibitions in cooperation with the European industry association EuCIA, the German Federation for Reinforced Plastics AVK, the VDMA Forum Composite Technology and the international trade magazine Reinforced Plastics. In 2015, it will be held concurrently with HYBRID Expo from 22 to 24 September in Stuttgart.


Press Contact:
Reed Exhibitions Deutschland GmbH
Völklinger Str. 4, D – 40219 Düsseldorf
Dr. Mike Seidensticker & Christian Reiss
Tel: +49(0)2 11 90 191-221


Further information and pictures for press:




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