Innovative solutions for fixing systems

From June Issue of Compositi Magazine


Master-Plate®: is a very simple fixing system that through appropriate adhesives allows the fixing on any type of receiving material. It doesn’t require any particular mechanical preparation, the usual mounting is done by placing the Master-Plate® on adhesive previously applied to the merging point required. It can be used also on:

  1. lamination
  2. co-molding
  3. by screwing

The several combinations between the base plates and fastening elements offer a wide range of possibilities to technicians and designers. 


Specialinsert® is constantly looking for innovative solutions that can improve production processes and meet the needs of the customer. For this reason, the new Master-Plate® RS range was born, and we have done a series of comparative tests on the two different types of Master-Plate® RS in order to help the users identify the fastener system that best suits their needs. Standard System composed of a perforated flat base and a fastener. Round Spacers System composed of a blind base with round spacers and a fixing element Installation guide fast and easy.




The purpose of the performed tests is to establish and compare the performance of the different types of insert. Three different types of Master-Plate® were examined using the same material, fixing, welding and installation parameters:


  • Stud M 6 X 20 (Stainless Steel AISI 316 L)
  • Standard Plate with holes (Stainless Steel AISI 316 L)

Round Spacers

  • Stud M 6 X 20 (Stainless Steel AISI 316 L)
  • Blind Plate with Round Spacers (Stainless Steel AISI 316 L)

Results obtained via lab tests, done in specific environmental conditions. Results are suggestive and not definitive, therefore they may not be repeatable.


Once the system (Support + adhesive + Master-Plate®) is screwed into a load cell measurement tool, detachment from support is reached and the maximum peak of extractive force is measured.

Minimum Value 3312 N (338 Kg)
Maximum Value 4145 N (423 Kg)
Delta 833 N (85 Kg)
Average Value 3783 N (386 Kg)

Round Spacers
Minimum Value 4655 N (475 Kg)
Maximum Value 5086 N (519 Kg)
Delta 431 N (44 Kg)
Average Value 4802 N (490 Kg)


Once the system (Support + adhesive + Master-Plate®) is screwed into a load cell measurement tool, detachment from support is reached and the maximum peak of resistance to cutting is measured.

Minimum Value 4469 N (456 Kg)
Maximum Value 8183 N (835 Kg)
Delta 3714 N (379 Kg)
Average Value 6390 N (652 Kg)

Round Spacers
Minimum Value 8457 N (863 Kg)
Maximum Value 9807 N (1000 Kg)
Delta 1342 N (137 Kg)
Average Value 9486 N (968 Kg)


Once the system (Support + adhesive + Master-Plate®) is fixed, resistance to twisting is measured, using a dynamometric key to measure the maximum torque peak.

Minimum Value 16,61 N/m
Maximum Value 20,63 N/m
Delta 4,02 N/m
Average Value 18,62 N/m

Round Spacers
Minimum Value 16,11 N/m
Maximum Value 19,67 N/m
Delta 3,56 N/m
Average Value 17,89 N/m

Results obtained via lab tests, done in specific environmental conditions. Results are suggestive and not definitive, therefore they may not be repeatable.


Adhesive is applied on the entire surface of the plate. We recommend a ‘‘serpentine’’ application to create a constant and continuous layer. Any excess gets out through the holes of the base.

Round Spacers
Adhesive is applied at the center of the base. By pressuring it slightly when placing it, it is then evenly distributed over the entire surface. The Round Spacers characterizing the plate act as a stopping point. Results obtained via lab tests, done in specific environmental conditions. Results are suggestive and not definitive, therefore they may not be repeatable


One of the characteristics of the plates of the Master-Plate® series® Standard is the pierced plate. Excess adhesive gets out through the holes of the base while laying it. The Master-Plate® series® RS, instead, is characterized by a blind plate. Here below are shown the interferences that may happen between the placed insert and the element attached to it.


The excess of adhesive, coming out of the holes of the base, creates interference. Therefore, it is not possible to screw a component to Master-Plate® until the lower bound of the threaded part. Maintaining axiality between the parties. It is equally delicate. Such interferences vary depending on the amount of adhesive applied. On average, there is a footprint between 3 and 5 mm.

Round Spacers

No interference is remarked. The adhesive does not intersect between the Master-Plate® and the element screwed to it. The threaded part is completely free and usable. There are no axiality problems.





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