PreCut Center – ZPC facilitates the creation of the cut file

From September Issue of Compositi Magazine


Zünd has developed a new software solution aimed at an efficient generation of cut files. PreCut Center simplifies data preparation and output, thus enabling process automation based on tailored needs. The user can create fully nested cut files in few steps. Regardless of the choice between manual or automated settings, PreCut Centers allows the user to freely automate the data flow. The user imports the desired cut shapes into Zünd PreCut Center – ZPC and assigns them to the corresponding recipes. In a nutshell, these recipes are the sets of rules needed to create the cut path and contain its specific parameters. The users can import recipes as well as create their own.

In the following step, materials and material parameters to be used are defined, followed by a nesting of the cut shapes on the unprinted material. In the process, material yield is optimized, scraps are minimized, and the production time is reduced. PreCut Center – ZPC also offers the opportunity to integrate selected metadata in the output file. This information facilitates tracking of orders and a fast and correct assignment of finished products to the corresponding orders.

PreCut Center is available in Basic and Pro versions. This allows the users to adapt the performance capabilities to their needs. Thanks to Zünd PreCut Center’s open architecture, cut paths and structured data can be imported from multiple sources.

In Zünd PreCut Center’s Pro version, nesting is completely automated and just requires pressing a button. Nesting layouts or cut paths can also be modified individually. In the last step, Zünd PreCut Center creates the cut file in the zcc format and makes it ready to the subsequent step, i.e., import into Zünd Cut Center – ZCC. The cut file can optionally be created in .dxf format, too.


Software licendes can be immediately downloaded from and used in a subscription model. Licenses are valid for one year.



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