Siglata alleanza per promuovere i materiali compositi

The Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing (IACMI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Composite Prototyping Center (CPC) outlining a collaborative arrangement in which both will work to bring advanced composite materials and technologies to the marketplace. The agreement provides the framework for collaboration in research, product development, commercialization, workforce training and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education.

Advanced composite materials, such as carbon fiber, are up to three times as strong and twice as light as the lightest metals used in many current applications. In the automotive sector, for example, advanced composites could halve the weight of a passenger car and improve its fuel efficiency by roughly 35 percent without compromising performance or safety.

“One of IACMI’s objective is to advance the cause of clean energy generation and improve the efficiency of the nation’s automotive fleet through the development of new composite technologies and processes,” said Craig Blue, chief executive officer of IACMI. “The partnership agreement signed today with CPC solidifies that initiative and advances our mission by maximizing the resources of both organizations. It also creates a satellite operation for IACMI in the greater New York area and provides a presence in the northeast corridor, which is critical to our long-term growth strategy.

IACMI, a public-private partnership created as part of the National Network for Manufacturing innovation, focuses on developing lower-cost, higher-speed, and more efficient manufacturing and recycling processes for advanced composite materials.

Funded by the State of New York to promote advanced composite technology usage in industry, CPC enables the reengineering of outmoded manufacturing techniques by providing access to training, technology, prototyping and testing capabilities in the area of advanced composites.

CPC is a leading resource for composite prototype production across a number of key industry sectors,” said Leonard Poveromo, executive director of CPC. “Our Long Island manufacturing facility is equipped with state-of-the-art systems to support composite production needs. This pact marks a tremendous opportunity to join the IACMI consortium and combine our efforts in areas of mutual interest like research, employee training, STEM education and economic growth.”

Several government officials shared their support for the partnership which will help create jobs and expand innovation opportunities in the New York area.

The partnership between the Composite Prototyping Center and Institute for Advanced Composite Manufacturing Innovation will further bolster Long Island’s place on the map for high-tech research and manufacturing,” stated U.S. Senator Schumer.  “The initiative will help create jobs and bolster innovation in the Long Island region.”


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